
The Israeli Coastal and Marine Engineering Research Institute (CAMERI) was established in 1976 by the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology and The Israeli Ports Company (IPC) and is still owned by both parties. It is the leading research institute in Israel in the field of physical oceanography, marine engineering, and coastal engineering research. CAMERI expertise include numerical modelling in the field of waves, hydrodynamics, bathymetric analysis, sediment transport, beach morphology, and more. As a member of the ITTC, CAMERI executes physical model testing for both industrial and academic purposes, using its own towing tank and wave basin facilities.

Role in the Project

The vision of CAMERI is to become an integrative part of coastal and marine engineering research community for a sustainable blue growth.  As nature and research have no borders, CAMERI is keen to contribute towards the success of “Floating Future” in the Netherlands. The main interest of CAMERI is to contribute to the case study North Sea by investigating offshore seaport design for open water conditions, and urban development offshore, to support Blue Economy in the North Sea. This research will be primarily conducted by a physical model testing, which is an in-kind contribution of CAMERI to the project. The test will be conducted as part of WP2 (Technology) of the Floating Future proposal, and in collaboration with TU Delft’s Ship Hydromechanics Laboratory. The main objective of the experiment is to determine the performance limit of a complex modular floating structure layout, from the perspective of resident comfort and structure. This research study could also contribute to the case studies Rijnmond and IJmeer for floating developments in Rotterdam City and Port area, and in Amsterdam Area, respectively, by sharing results, developed design methodologies, and related expertise.