
Knowledge hub SmartPort Rotterdam is a partnership between the Port of Rotterdam Authority, Deltalinqs, the Municipality of Rotterdam, TNO, Deltares, Marin, Erasmus University and Delft University of Technology. We form the bridge between port businesses, knowledge institutions and governments.

By inspiring, initiating and forming alliances SmartPort stimulates and finances scientific research for and by the companies in the port of Rotterdam in collaboration with knowledge institutes.
SmartPort’s goal is the acceleration of innovations to keep the port of Rotterdam future-proof and together form the smartest port in the world in 2030-2050

Role in the Project

One of the key parts of Floating Future is to make sure that the developed knowledge will be used. For this so called use cases are defined that contain a question or problem for which the developed knowledge of Floating Future can provide a solution. Community sessions are a way to bring partners together to exchange knowledge and research questions. The result of these sessions is a closer connection between practice and research.

As the knowledge hub of Rotterdam, SmartPort will organize in close cooperation with the partners community sessions focused on the Port City. Furthermore, where needed SmartPort can play a role in connecting researchers and problem holders.