Floating Future experts in EenVandaag
Onze co-founder en WP leider Rutger de Graaf en Floating Future partner Gijs de Haan gaven dinsdag in een tv interview hun visie over het nieuwe beleid in het rivierengebied en de implicaties voor drijvend bouwen. Vanuit beleid, civiele techniek en stedenbouwkunde werd het vraagstuk belicht. Een interdisciplinaire aanpak die goed past bij Floating Future. […]
Floating Future is present at the World Conference on Floating Solutions 2024
We are present at the World Conference on Floating Solutions 2024 in Hong Kong, with one WP leader and co-founder Rutger de Graaf, two PhD researchers Eefke Huisman and Barbara Dal Bo Zanon and two industry partners Sridhar Subramani and Gil Wang. With around 200 people present from universities, companies and government organizations the international […]
Floating Future aanwezig bij discussieavond Drijvend bouwen
Gisteren namen wij deel aan een zeer interessante en goed bezochte discussieavond in Pakhuis de Zwijger over drijvend bouwen. Volgens onze Action Research Coordinator Christiaan Weiler waren de key takeaways: “Als we nu aanvaarden om onder NAP te leven, waarom straks niet op het water?” (Olaf Waals) “Tijdelijkheid brengt enige juridische coulance” (Eefke Huisman) “Tijdelijke […]
First case study meeting
Last week, we had our first case study meeting with the Floating Future Research Project. We brought together researchers from various scientific disciplines around 5 case studies with societal stakeholders. With a very detailed action research method guided by Christiaan Weiler we explored scientific and societal questions regarding the upscaling of floating solutions. Interesting keynotes […]
Interview Margo Van Den Brink
Vorige maand werd onze Workpackage Leader Governance Margo Van Den Brink geĂŻnterviewd over de drijvende toekomst door het Dagblad van het Noorden. Margo gaat in het artikel in op de vragen rond sociale acceptatie bij het opschalen van drijvend bouwen technologie. Klik hier voor de LinkedIn post.
An interview with engineer and entrepreneur Rutger de Graaf about the added value of floating construction
đ âFloating construction fits well with water and soil controlâ Nationaal Deltaprogramma Deltanieuws interviewed our co-founder Rutger de Graaf â âhow floating construction can contribute to âwater and soil steering’â. The interview covered critical topics such as safety, social acceptance, water quality, and ecological impact, all of which are important aspects for scaling up floating construction. Read the […]
Floating Future project kicks off!
The full Floating Future consortium gathered in Rotterdam on 17th April 2024 to jointly kick off the project. The societal relevance of the project was shown by presentations from the City of Rotterdam, which highlighted the necessity for innovative (floating) solutions that combine living, leisure, and water storage needs. Water taxis brought the team to […]
Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
Our internal Project Advisory Committee (PAC) met for the first time. In the next 5 years, the PAC will have a key role in critically reflecting on the research approach and results of our project.
Koen Olthuis: The Future of Our Water
In H2o Magazine, Floating Future partner and member of our Project Advisory Committee Koen Olthuis van Waterstudio.NL makes an urgent plea for room for experimentation for a floating city in the Netherlands. Koen Olthuis is making an urgent appeal to make one of the 3,500 polders in our country available for a floating city. “Please […]
Lecture of Pernille van der Plank
On the 26th of April 2024, Pernille van der Plank (Taskleader within Floating Future) delivered her inaugural lecture as Professor of Property Law at the Open Universiteit. The theme was particularly fascinating and relevant, namely: “Water lease as water law: On the private law right to water plots”. This is perhaps the subject that has […]