Interesting article in response to the new delta scenarios
Interesting article in response to the new delta scenarios. The report shows opportunities to redesign the country to become future-proof:
Interview of Margo van den Brink
Interesting interview with our WP leader for Governance Margo Van Den Brink of University of Groningen. Margo describes the shift from fighting against
Kick-off of Floating Future Project
We have started! More than 4 years after Olaf Waals and Rutger de Graaf had their first meeting about the initial research idea, and
Podcast: Overcoming Obstacles to Floating Neighborhoods
Are we on the brink of a shift from land-based living to water-bound communities? While the technical feasibility of floating
Pioneering Floating Construction in Innovation Workshop
On 5 April, Willem Jan Landman van Circular Floating Districts bv gave a guest lecture on floating construction in the
Floor Spaargaren: onderzoekt de toekomst op zee
Bekijk dit inspirerende videoportret over de drijfveren van onze WP2 Technology leader Floor Spaargaren MARIN (Maritime Research Institute Netherlands) gemaakt door het Maritiem Museum